The Story

Well, If you journeyed this far into my spot on the internet I might as well tell you a little more about myself.

I’m Rhomanie Taylor, someone who has been passionate about making a stake in technology ever since he picked up a controller. I originally wanted to be a game developer to bring joy to those around me as I felt as a kid. Things changed when I figured out what “pirating”, “hacking”, and “Kali Linux” was. I fell down a deep rabbit hole that I never wanted to climb out of. My interest changed drastically, and in middle school, I found something that I truly wanted to make a career out of. Technology is a massive ever-changing field, one that changes every year. It allows me to keep on learning and stay on my toes. I can never be complacent, bored, or useless when there is so much to learn, do, and explore.

I’m proud to say that I’ll continue my trek in technology and keep on moving forward to help pave the way for young children just like me. Children with interests that they can freely explore with no repercussions. That is what I’m all about and that is what my passion stems from.

(P.S. I also have Jamaican roots, I played football for some time, I take photos and videos, I used to work at a sub shop and it was one of the most fun times I’ve had, I threw for track and field, and I frequently go back to my technical school to mentor and tutor the students there, thank you!)